You are lead through the corridors by torchlight, below the Church in Orecian. you are guarded by three warriors and led by the Prester himself. "This heretic is not dangerous. You should be fine alone with him." He reachs a thick iron door and slides an eye-slit open. A heretic. Unresponsive and in denial of his status. He sits there amid the empty stone room, in heavy chains. When the local Ecclesia made the accusation that a farm caste man was practicing the doctrine that man and God are one, they immediately sent for the best the Inquisitor the realm could offer. They brought you all this way to destroy some bumpkin peasant. The Ecclesiarch expressed great concern that Orelon, a bastion of the Paladin Orders, could be falling to heresy. The Prester shuts the slit in the door. "He's has fallen under the power of the Tarisian Heresy. He denies that he even knows what the Tarisian Heresy is. He probably doesn't, but that's not the point. Get us a confession and find out who the source of this it. His name is Saemon." [[Enter the room... -> npc_1]] (set: $questions = 0) (set: $fear = 0) (set: $friendliness = 0) (set: $confessed = false) (set: $children = false) You enter the room. The ragged, dirty farmer looks up with a defiance in his eyes. He feels with conviction that he is innocent. Time to convince him otherwise. [[Intimidate - "Well friend. You seem to be a in a world of trouble." -> npc_intimidate]] [[Comfort - "I'm sorry that you are here my friend. Is there anything I can get you?" -> npc_comfort_a]]"You can get me out of this cell." He strains his eyes in the dark to see you. [[Keep Hope Alive - "If you wanted to leave you would have confessed to your heresy.-> npc_hope_a]] [[Crush Hope - "There is no leaving this cell, unless it is to fountain of purification." -> npc_crush_a]] (set: $friendliness = $friendliness + 1)"What for? Why?" he asks. His voice rises in panic. [[Intimidate - "You know why, heretic. You are here because you have been abandoned for your heresy by the most high." -> npc_crush_b]] [[Question - "I was hoping to find out from you, Saemon." -> npc_hope_b]] (set: $fear = $fear + 1)The farm caste man is silent. "Who...who are you?" [[I am from the Ecclesia of Aman, and an agent the Left Hand of the Ecclesiarch. I am the Inquisitor of this Duchy. -> npc_a_truth]] [[A friend who wants to see you restored. -> npc_b_comfort]] (set: $friendliness = $friendliness + 1)"Then why in the Godhead's name are you here? I've done nothing wrong and I don't even know what your heresy is! Who are you anyways?" [[I am from the Ecclesia of Aman, and an agent the Left Hand of the Ecclesiarch. I am the Inquisitor of this Duchy. -> npc_a_truth]] [[A friend who wants to see you restored to orthodoxy. -> npc_b_comfort]] (set: $fear = $fear+1)The farmer's eyes are wide. "Of the Ecclesiarch? What would a low caste farmer mean to the Ecclesiarch of Aman?" [["Answer my questions and we will see." -> saemon]] (set: $friendliness = $friendliness + 1)"I'm sorry I'm so angry but I need to go home. If I'm found innocent will you let me go?" [["Answer my questions and we will see." -> saemon]] (set: $fear = $fear+1)The farmer mutters: "Ask." [["Do you believe in the Godhead" -> npc_questions_1]] [["Do you believe in three prophets and the Avatar of the Godhead?" -> npc_questions_2]] [["Do you believe in the supremacy of the Ecclesia over the faith?" -> npc_questions_3]] [["I have personal questions -> saemon]] (if: $questions >= 3)[(if: $friendliness >= 2)[[[False Doctrine - "Do you believe in the oneness of God and Man?" -> npc_questions_4]] ][[True Doctrine - "Do you believe in the seperation of the Godhead and the physical world of sin?" - npc_questions_5]]] "Of course I do! I have been taught to comtemplate him since my boyhood!" [[Return -> npc_questions]] (set: $questions = $questions + 1)"Who doesn't? Is this what I'm on trial for? The Third Dava was the enlightened one whose followers were the Seven Saints of the Ecclesia!" [[Return -> npc_questions]] (set: $questions = $questions + 1)"Of course! Priest Danal taught me of their authority and that he speaks for the godhead himself!" [[Return -> npc_questions]] (set: $questions = $questions + 1)"With all my heart!" And there you have it. Unambigious heresy. He probably doesn't even know it. [[Continue to personal questions - "Saemon. I have more questions." -> npc_questions_2]] [[Confront - "Such words are blasphemous and heresy my friend." -> gentle_heresy]] He is silent. [["Come clean, my son...or you'll bring the Ecclesia down on your head." -> rough_heresy]] (if: $friendliness > 2)[[[Comfort - "Saemon. I will not harm you. You have my word." -> gentle_heresy]]]"What about?" asks Saemon. [["Do you have any family?" -> npc_family]] [["Where are you from?" -> npc_home]] [["What do you believe Saemon?" -> npc_questions]]"What are you talking about? Who in the godhead's name are you, you casteless bastard." [[I am from the Ecclesia of Aman, and an agent the Left Hand of the Ecclesiarch. I am the Inquisitor of this Duchy. -> npc_a_truth]] [[A friend who wants to see you restored to orthodoxy. -> npc_b_comfort]] (set: $fear = $fear+1)"Who are you? What do you want?" [[I am from the Ecclesia of Aman, and an agent the Left Hand of the Ecclesiarch. I am the Inquisitor of this Duchy. -> npc_a_truth]] [[A friend who wants to see you restored to orthodoxy. -> npc_b_comfort]] (set: $friendliness = $friendliness + 1)(if: $fear <= 3)["I have two sons and a daughter. My wives are dead and I'm not getting remarried. I've had enough death in my life." (set: $children = true) [[Return... -> saemon]]] (if: $fear > 3)["You want to take my children away! No! I won't allow it!" [[Return -> saemon]] ] "I'm from Rena, on the marches. Look I don't want any trouble. Things are hard enough as is. With King Amellen and his army of Hungry Lions, our crops are never safe and I can't afford to leave them unguarded. [[Return -> saemon]]"I believe that man and God are one and the same. As they have told me my entire life. As the Ecclesia believes!" [["Who told you?" -> source]]"I...I didn't know any better! They taught me that we were one with God and that it was our finite eyes that block us from seeing it! So I trusted him!" [[Who is 'they'? -> source]] (set: $confession to true)Saemon is silent. (if: $children is true)[[["If you are convicted of heresy your children be rendered casteless and you will be executed. They will live fatherless." -> npc_children]]] (if: $fear > 3)[[["I have not the time or patience. Tell me now or the next person through that door will be a paladin and they will be less gentle." -> npc_threaten]]] (if: $friendliness >= 4)[[["Please Saemon. I don't want to see you hurt. Say something and the Ecclesia may show mercy and penance!" -> npc_persuade]]] [["Guards."->npc_guards]]"You son of a whore! You'd threaten my children." He looks down for a minute before muttering: "I trusted him and he betrayed me. I'm not sacrificing my children to protect him." He meets your eyes: "The Priest of Rena. You have what you wanted. Do what you want." [["That will be all. Thank you Saemon."-> preseros]] [["Has he corrupted the whole village?" -> npc_village]]"You bastard! Yes the whole village! Is that what you want? What are you going to do?" [[Probable Truth - "Cleanse the impurity with fire and sword. Good day Saemon." -> preseros]] [[Lie - "The village will be safe. You have my word." -> preseros]] [["I will vouche for the village. You have my word." -> preseros]] [[Leave without a word -> preseros]]Saemon goes pale enough to see in the dim light before muttering: "My priest isn't worth dying for. He is the heretic you seek." [["That will be all. Thank you Saemon."-> preseros]] [["Has he corrupted the whole village?" -> npc_village]]"I'll...I'll tell you. Please do not hurt him. My Priest is a kind man and has nver done anything but good and I think he genuinely believes what he is saying! You of all people can't fault him for his convictions." [["That will be all. Thank you Saemon."-> preseros]] [["Has he corrupted the whole village?" -> npc_village]]Saemon's head jerks up and immediately, three paladins enter and seize the prisoner in iron-clad hands. [["One more time. Who misinformed you so that they may be punished." -> npc_beating_1]]"Go to hell." Saemon spits at you. [[Beat him.]]As you shut the door, you hear Saemon's muffled cries for a moment before the door slams shut. The Prester awaits outside: "Did we get a confession?" [["The town of Rena has a heretical priest. He must be stopped at all costs." -> cleanse_priest]] [["The town of Rena is corrupt and must be purged of all the heretics. Go immediately." -> cleanse_town]] [[Lie - "Nothing useful." -> cleanse_nothing]]An iron fist crashes into his face, bones shatter behind the impact. He screams. [["Give me names. Now!" -> beating_2]] [["Just give the names! Why are you hurting yourself?" -> beating_2]]"Fuck yourself." [[Beat him -> beating_3]] A series of iron blows are rained down, shattering his face further. He moans through broken teeth. [["Names! -> npc_beating_4]] [["Please don't make me do this to you! It gives me no pleasure!" -> npc_beating_4]]"Please, I-" A paladin's fist slams into his gut. [[Beat him. -> beatings_5]] He lies limp in the paladin's arms, barely conscious. [["Names. Or we continue." -> beatings_death]] [["Dava save me, tell me who and you won't suffer. You can atone!" -> beating_end]]One more rain of blows meets his pulverised face before you here his neck snap with a sickening crack. You know that he is dead. If you had proper equipment this could have gone on for days. [[Leave. -> preseros2]] "Priest Danal! Danal! That son of a bitch-" he spits blood and coughs. "He's the one!" [["Leave him. Farewell Saemon and the Godhead have mercy." -> saemon_lives]] [["Noted. Continue men. -> saemon_killed]]"Did you get the information?" asks the Prester. "No. He died during interrogation." "A pity. Well we cannot mourn him for long. His body will be purified on the pyre. The Godhead will cleanse him in his next life."Saemon wails as he is dropped and discarded on the, now red, stone floor. His cried are silenced by the door. The Prester awaits outside: "Did we get a confession?" [["The town of Rena has a heretical priest. He must be stopped at all cost." -> cleanse_priest]] [["The town of Rena is corrupt and must be purged of all the heretics. Go immediately." -> cleanse_town]] [[Lie - "Nothing useful." -> cleanse_nothing]]One more rain of blows meets his pulverised face before you here his neck snap with a sickening crack. You know that he is dead. If you had proper equipment this could have gone on for days. [[Leave. -> preseros_3]] "Is he dead?" asks the Prester? You nod tersely. [["The town of Rena has a heretical priest. He must be stopped at all cost." -> cleanse_priest]] [["The town of Rena is corrupt and must be purged of all the heretics. Go immediately." -> cleanse_town]] [[Lie - "Nothing useful." -> cleanse_nothing]]"A corrupt Ecclesian. Are you sure?" he asks. You nod in answer. "I will send for Paladins immediately to arrest him. Blessing be upon you. What be done to the heretic here?" [["Give him penance and let him be. He has suffered enough." -> penance_ending]] [["Make an example of him. Kill him." -> kill_ending]] [["Strip his caste and release him." -> casteless_ending]] "A town of heretics! We will call the Duke and strike quickly! Thank you for your services!" The Prester goes to leave before halting. "What should be done with the Heretic?" [["Give him penance and let him be. He has suffered enough." -> penance_ending]] [["Make an example of him. Kill him." -> kill_ending]] [["Strip his caste and release him." -> casteless_ending]] "A pity. Is he the only heretic?" You nod in response. "What should be done with him?" [["Give him penance and let him be. He has suffered enough." -> penance_ending]] [["Make an example of him. Kill him." -> kill_ending]] [["Strip his caste and release him." -> casteless_ending]] Saemon was bone weary when he returned home, battered and shattered from his penance. Two years of his life devoured by a barefoot pilgrimage to Aman to receive mercy at the Ecclesiarch's hand. He groveled before the Ecclesiarch who had almost kicked him in the mouth. But Saemon's mercy was granted and he was finally on the familiar path back home. But the road was overgrown and the stones unmaintained. What he saw next in Rena stunned him. Half the village had been burned to a cinder and only a few houses remained standing, with battered, broken people standing in them. They all looked on Saemon with hatred. "Ana! Laeci!" he cried, running towards his house in a blind panic before he saw them. The house was spared and his daughters remained. As he neared though, he stopped. For their eyes held the same hatred. He had betrayed the village and all had suffered. He slowly backed away and disappeared. His body was found hanging a week later. They left it there for the crows.The heretic died slowly. He was not lucky enough to faint before the fires devoured him. He screamed as he roasted in a gibbet. His ashes were scattered in the river, where they could be washed of impurities. Perhap's Saemon's soul found rest floating on the surface of those peaceful waters. But it is doubtful."Where are we going?" cried a little voice. "Far from Orelon. Far from Ecclesians and their lies!" shouted Saemon, dragging his daughters. "Why can't we go home?" cried another. "We are nameless! If someone wanted to right now, they anything to us." Saemon saw the river. Across it was a new kingdom. Perhaps a new start in the one of the cities. "Let's cross girls." "But I can't swim!" "Hold onto me then girls. We are going home."